Gladiator Warrior - Freddie Bourne (Video)

Mr. Bourne was one of the first people that contacted me for coaching when I first started Walt Workout. After almost a year of training for several 5K's and Marathons, here's his story about the experience he had working out with Walt.

Mr. Bourne was born to run. He was one of the first people that contacted me for coaching when I first started Walt Workout. After almost a year of training for 5K's and Marathons, here's his story about the experience he had working out with Walt.

Coaching Mr. Bourne was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had. He communicated his thoughts, questions, and feelings which made the learning process very easy. He was accountable for his actions by making up for workouts when his schedule got busy. He even hit his daily calorie and macronutrient goals almost flawlessly every single day. His consistency and discipline allowed us to improve after every single race which resulted in new PR's. Mr. Bourne is a great example of what anyone can accomplish with the right guidance and the right amount of self-discipline.

If you're looking for that mental and physical push that will get you to the goal that you've always been wanting to accomplish, then head over to the Coaching section of and let's get started making progress.


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